Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Lifehack: Get a Good Sleep

Yesterday for the first time in 6 months I deliberately chose to wind down the day in a relaxing way, followed by a generous sleep. And today I am noticing immediate benefits.

- Heightened awareness. For the first time I noticed the shape of the wind chimes outside our kitchen window. (They look like potato chips).
- Increased productivity. Today I completed 10 change requests at work, which is above average.
- Better judgement. I decided to sit longer with my mother at dinner, rather than rushing off to the internet.

A leisurely evening and a good sleep -- I highly recommend it to all.

Update: Of course I totally do the opposite by staying up late to write Audiolicious, an automatic podcast generator that uses text-to-speech. Must go to bed now.


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