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Friday, March 04, 2011

Outlook HTML Email Online Validator

If you want to create an HTML email, you probably are aware (or should be aware) that Outlook 2007 email clients disallow a whole bunch of HTML and CSS elements.

I wrote a simple tool to check your email's HTML for elements ignored by Outlook 2007.


  • Hi... Our html emails come out as text and a view of the html in emails received by Outlook 2007. I ran the code through the validator and it came up with Unsupported HTML Attribute of "background" I assume if we remove this feature, it would work, however, is there a later version of Outlook that would process it correctly? Perhaps I could just tell these people to upgrade instead of changing the code? Any thoughts? Thanks, Cliff

    By Anonymous Cliff, at 7/19/2011 5:00 p.m.  

  • Hi Cliff - Sorry, I'm not sure whether newer versions of Outlook would support the background attribute. But I would assume not.

    Note that we're talking about the background attribute here, not the background css property, which is supported. Maybe you could use that instead?

    By Blogger Jonathan, at 7/21/2011 7:11 p.m.  

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