Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Friday, December 31, 2010


My brother ordered a Kindle for me for Christmas. I am so looking forward to it.

There's a used book I've been waiting for to arrive in the mail. I'm tempted to just get the Kindle version and start reading it on Kindle For Mac.

I'm a bit concerned that the Kindle does not have a touch interface. Isn't it awkward to highlight and annotate passages using the cursor buttons?

I am tempted to download a bazillion free and paid books onto the device. A temptation I shall resist. What would be the point of doing that? I would be building up a library of books that, honestly, I would never get around to reading.

Even with a Kindle, there are not enough hours in an evening to read even a fraction of everything that one would like to read.


  • Hi Jon,

    Vaguely on-topic: did you ever get permission to post the Kindleified Catechism?

    God bless!

    By Blogger Mark, at 1/02/2011 1:49 p.m.  

  • It is definitely easier and faster to highlight with the Kindle app on Android or iOS, but annotations are probably easier on the device because of its physical keyboard. I picked up a couple hundred classics, and it'll take me the next couple decades to get through them all. The quantity of works out of copyright is quite massive.

    By Anonymous Nathan, at 1/03/2011 2:48 p.m.  

  • @Mark - No, I unfortunately did not find any plain-text copy of the Catechism that had any notice that it was being legally distributed. Alas!

    @Nathan - Yeah, there are so many classics freely available that are worth reading. Even with the Kindle keyboard, I find annotations to be a pain, so I avoid doing them.

    By Blogger Jonathan, at 7/21/2011 7:56 p.m.  

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