Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Monday, December 14, 2009

My new daily schedule

There is so much that I’d like to study, and I’m not getting any of it done. So I’m making this new schedule for myself.

12:30–8:30 Sleep. A nice 8 hours.
8:30–9 Rosary
9–7 Work
7–9 Study. The three books I'm going to focus on are: the Iliad (Book 8), the Bible (Psalms), and Algorithm Design Manual (Chapter 5).
9–10 Free. Checking RSS feeds; puttering around the house.
10–11 Evening prayer; meditation.
11–12 “Free”. Family / exercise / calligraphy.
12–12:30 Random bedtime reading from my large pile of unread books.

Hopefully I can make progress on my reading plan between 7 and 9 pm.


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