Using proper “curly quotes” instead of "straight quotes"
In Thinking With Type p. 164, Ellen Lupton issues this typographic call to action:
Incorrectly used prime marks must be routed out and destroyed.
So for breaks in thought: instead of --, use — (em-dash).
For numbers: instead of 1977-2007, use 1997–2007 (en-dash).
Instead of "hatch marks", use “quotation marks”.
Instead of 'prime marks', use ‘single quotation marks’. Use this also for apostrophes (Jon’s).
Instead of ..., use … (ellipsis).
Below is an AutoHotKey script that Windows users can use to insert this punctuation easily into any program. Adjust to taste:
This produces the following keyboard shortcuts, which can be used in any program:
— | em dash | Ctrl Alt - |
– | en dash | Ctrl - |
“ | left quotation mark | Ctrl " |
” | right quotation mark | Alt " |
‘ | left single quotation mark | Ctrl ' |
’ | right single quotation mark | Alt ' |
… | ellipsis | Ctrl Alt . |
Having lived thru the 8-bit era (Apple ][, emacs, etc) I'm philosophically opposed to this. The flatter the file, the more I respect it!
Jorn, at 5/21/2009 2:31 a.m.
'Thinking With Type' is great, and I love seeing proper punctuation characters on the web and in programs. Consider adding the ellipsis character to your arsenal, instead of 3 periods.
David, at 5/21/2009 3:01 a.m.
Heh—thanks guys. I can see it both ways.
Actually even Apple ]['s used special characters occasionally—check out the Apple character in
I've added the ellipsis character.
Jonathan, at 5/21/2009 8:00 p.m.
For mac users:
“ = option + [
” = option + shift + [
‘ = option + ]
’ = option + shift + ]
– = option + -
— = option + shift + -
… = otpion + ;
• = option + 8
= option + shift + k
Fabricio, at 5/22/2009 9:36 a.m.
Nice—thanks Fabricio.
Jonathan, at 5/22/2009 10:47 p.m.
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