Jon Aquino's Mental Garden

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Friday, December 03, 2004

RE: BeanShell Script for Roadmatcher

Hi Chris:
BeanShell can be the same as Java. But it also allows shortcuts, most notably: omitting the type declaration. Example:
    String x = "Hello World";
is the same as:
    x = "Hello World";
Here's how to change all the TRIM segment comments to "ABC":
  for (feature : wc.getLayerManager().getLayer("Network TRIM").getFeatureCollectionWrapper().getFeatures()) {
I've enclosed everything with { and } because I find that the BeanShell editor that JUMP uses sometimes freezes otherwise :-(
Here's how to change all the TRIM segment comments to "Long Road" if the length > 2000:
  for (feature : wc.getLayerManager().getLayer("Network TRIM").getFeatureCollectionWrapper().getFeatures()) {
    if (feature.getRoadSegment().getApparentLineLength() <= 2000) { continue; }
    feature.getRoadSegment().setComment("Long Road");
Note the use of the "enhanced for loop" - a Java 1.5 thing, but BeanShell lets you use it in any version of Java :-)
OK time for the issue log.
Here's how to change all the issue log descriptions to "Dell Axim X30":
  for (feature : wc.getLayerManager().getLayer("Issue Log").getFeatureCollectionWrapper().getFeatures()) {
    feature.setAttribute("Desc", "Dell Axim X30");
Hope that helps!


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